

Workshop Print and Pattern

In this workshop I provide you with valuable insights, tools and techniques to help you improve your creative skills and achieve your goals.

You will learn how to create an allover print with elements we make by hand and digital. How to connect the elements together for a dynamic visual pattern story. The steps you can take to make a suitable pattern for your product and not unimportant how you can deliver your pattern to the supplier for a beautiful outcome.

During the workshop I will guide you through each step and will share my experience and knowledge along the way.



Education students

My goal for creative students is to help unleash their creativity and take their fresh ideas to the next level with the technical knowledge I have learned over the years. I can express my passion for technical vector drawing and artwork & dessins.

For me, the combination of teaching and working in the field is the perfect balance. There is space to answer questions ‘why…’ to improve our working fashion process.

Students are fresh and open-minded and wonder why things can’t be different. By explaining how something originated, you can see if there are habits or redundancies in the process. By guiding them, we can achieve at new solutions.




Another way for me to share my knowledge is through mentorship. As a designer/trainer, I have worked with many fashion companies and helped them in their processes. My broad understanding of the process gives me the ability to see and optimise structures, make plans for calm and clarity.

If you are someone who is not yet familiar with the fashion industry and wants to set up something, I can answer many of your questions and provide support throughout the process.